Where do I go from here? I’m free

I had this discussion with Cathy last week. What happens if Trump wins, aside from all of the bullshit about leaving the country, etc., what does it mean?

It means that people who feel as I do are liberated. The president will be a republican, the senate will be republican and the house will be republican. So I have no responsibility and no control over what will happen and what direction the country will go in. But, this country will get the leadership it deserves, and I say good riddance. Even If Hillary wins, enough people are voting for that thing that I don’t want to be part of this anymore.

I won’t have to worry about how narrow- minded bigoted people respond the the eminently able commander in chief. I won’t have to worry about the Supreme Court decisions will go, because every one will go against what I believe. Foreign policy? Bring on the nukes.

In short the country is not my country any more. And that’s liberating.

George Carlin said he didn’t vote because if he did, he would be responsible for the mess. If he didn’t, no one could point the finger at him. I’ve never missed any election from 1968, but I get his point.

I campaigned for Obama in 2008, a little less so in 2012. Lauren and I have been going to Pennsylvania for weeks to get out the vote for Hillary, so I can’t fault what we have done on a personal level.

Let’s see what happens when every promise he’s made he breaks. When the markets crash. When all of the poor souls who supported him realize that the emperor has no clothes. When all of our allies doubt his leadership and run for cover to the Chinese or his good friend Putin. I imagine a disaster in the making but frankly, I’m not responsible for it and like I said, we’ll get what we deserve.

I feel bad for anyone that has small children, because they’ll have to deal with these results long after I am gone. I feel bad for the women who were aware enough of the kind on man he is. For the women who voted for him, shame. I guess your husbands, fathers bothers and friends will let him grab your collective crotches and not think it’s a problem. For anyone out there who’s a person of color, we’re not far from from the days of hoods and white sheets and if you didn’t recognize that and didn’t vote, shame. Watch your back. If I can help I will.

When I look at the world today, I try to asses what I have control over and what I don’t. I’ll never cure Ebola, I’ll never be able to solve the overwhelming refugee problems in the world today, obviously, most of this country sees the problems it has differently than I do so I’m shit out of luck there.

What I can do on my level is take care of the people I love, devote myself to causes that I feel are important and I can change, make myself the best person I can be and work on on the things that are important to me.

If this country believes in what Trump believes, I’m not part of it and it’s not worth that fight. There are other fights that are worth it and I’ll take those on, but like I said, this isn’t my country any more and it’s not worth it to me to agonize about it in the time I have left.

So I’m free.

If You Can’t See Where This is Going, You’ve Got Blinders On

The latest of so many astounding ploys by the Trumpster is to start to warn his followers that ONLY if he loses the general election it will be rigged. So after all of his BS about birthers, the Khan family, a lie about something an hour, why does this have me so upset?

Because it’s the perfect setup.

If he wins, it’s back to the Middle Ages for this country; no matter what you think about the Republican Establishment, there will be a bloodbath and purge against anyone who questioned him (so Christie will will be bobbing along in the bath like the rubber duck he is); forget the Supreme Court and any confidence our allies have in us; forget any progress on gay rights, women’s rights, minority rights.

He’s gained a following by pandering to his follower’s basest fears and instincts, and he will keep doing that as President.

But what happens if he loses??

Read the rest of it here

Apple vs. the FBI

My friend and Mac guru Gil posted a really good blog on the issue of the Apple vs. the FBI controversy. It starts out: “BURIED DEEP within the (Touch ID &) Passcode settings on our iPhones is a toggle switch that reads simply: “Erase Data.” Below this switch, a small block of help text adds the following explanation: “Erase all data on this iPhone after 10 failed passcode attempts.”… Read the whole post Here for his usual enlightening take on the specifics  of what Apple and the FBI want to happen.

Here’s what I posted as a comment:

I have to say that I’m torn between the “small picture/big picture” attributes of the story. Small picture, take the phone into a room at Apple with an FBI agent present, unlock the phone without telling the agent how you’re doing it, get the bad guys. One phone, that’s it.

Big picture, the FBI agent in my neighborhood decides I look suspicious, tells his boss, they want to look at my phone, I say no, they can’t figure out that my password is 1234, they say to Apple “you did it once, so do it again- lives are at stake!” Apple complies because of the precedent and finds pictures of my stupid cat and great kids and nothing else.

Mark Cuban’s right, you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. Same deal with banning people from entering the country because of their religion or race. Once you do one, you can do them all.

Thousands of Shades of Gray

Deer in the headlights, road kill, car accident… all things that we try to avoid looking at but can’t. There are two things in the newspaper (yes, I still look at the newspaper) that are equivalent to a car wreck to me: The Family Circus comic strip, and the NYTimes Style section. Try as I might, if I’m looking at the paper, both things get to me like sand in a bathing suit.

family_circusThis post isn’t about the Family Circus, but those sanctimonious little roundheaded kids and their sanctimonious rounded headed parents and grandparents should be locked in a cage with the alligators from Pearls Before Swine and be eaten alive. Such as it were. I know they’re not REALLY alive, but that’s the fate they deserve.

But I digress.

The Style Section normally is so far out of my reality that I can get over it. Most of the men’s stuff they show would barely fit my thigh. BUT NOW they’ve intruded on something I carry with pride… my increasingly gray hair. It seems millennials are coloring their not-yet-silver hair to match mine.

And without my permission.

I’ve been nurturing my graying hair for 30 years. Watching it gradually take over in the mirror and when I get a haircut. I still wonder who the fuck’s hair it is on the floor when the cut’s over.

But now, a former member of One Direction has gone gray; the lead photograph in the Style article features a 30 year old senior business analyst (senior my butt, when you have REAL gray hair you’re senior) who says “I really love it. I feel sexier.”

Believe me Jack, if gray hair makes you feel sexier, you’ve got bigger issues to deal with. Having gray hair doesn’t make you any sexier than using Grecian Formula whatever to cover your gray, it’s fake no matter what.

I’ve never had a problem with my gray hair, never even thought about it. I don’t have a problem with anyone else’s gray hair. My problem is that it’s just something else that’s being commoditized and being made phony by superficial people looking for the next thing to sell and be made to seem important.

But then again, the now gray guy from One Direction just shot a racy video with his girlfriend, a model and television “personality”.  Maybe I should try shaving my head….

Tired of Facebook


I know that we’re at the point where everything is easy, but not deep, and that’s how I feel about Facebook, not to mention the fact that they know too much about all of us and the really know how to use that knowledge for their own gain.

Not to say I’m going to stop using it, it’s too much fun to see what friends and family are up to, but to have a corporate entity know so much is scary to me.

I used to have a personal blog (last post 2009- yikes!) so I’m trying it again. I’d love to have people participate, contribute and comment so I (we??) can get more than we do from Facebook, etc.